Saturday, February 28, 2009

this weather sucks. it's too cold to go out, too cold to even think about it in fact. the idea of staying in tonight doesn't do me though, so i may go to a party. i may change my mind about that too. very scattered thoughts today, accompanied by a ton of tension.

Eric leaves Monday, and Catie is tense. she's making ME tense, and being quite the pain in the ass. her mood swings are driving me insane, so i try to avoid confrontations with her, and have no problem with her spending most of her time in her room. i'm sure that will change once Eric leaves, and we'll be right back to the "why can't you stay home?" bullshit. it doesn't make a difference if i'm here or not really, because she'll be on the phone all the time, again. BUT, she wants me here. her control freak nature is getting on my nerves. i have earned the right to go out anytime i choose to, regardless of how guilty she makes me feel, period.

Scott gets under my skin, Duane is a complete ass and has zero business sense, Jason is a putz, and i've had just about enough of everyone.

maybe i should take a nap.

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